Embark on a Transformational Journey at 28COE Pre Launch-PAN INDIA Meetups-2024

Embark on a Transformational Journey at 28COE Pre Launch-PAN INDIA Meetups-2024

The upcoming 28COE Pre Launch-PAN INDIA Meetups-2024, curated under the visionary leadership of Ifra Bilal, co-founder of 28COE- 28 Credentials of Entrepreneur and the trailblazing founder of Go Daughters, promises to be a pivotal event for entrepreneurs, innovators, and aspiring business leaders. It is not merely a gathering but a unique opportunity to delve into the realms of venture capital, connect with investors, network strategically, gain insights from mentors, and engage with influential decision-makers. Ifra Bilal, a stalwart in the entrepreneurial landscape, underscores the importance of networking as the backbone of both individual growth and business success.

Venture Capital and Investor Engagement:

The event serves as a gateway for ventures seeking capital infusion, with a dedicated focus on connecting entrepreneurs with venture capital firms and investors. Ifra Bilal’s commitment to fostering growth is evident in the platform’s emphasis on providing tangible avenues for funding and investment opportunities. Attendees will have the chance to pitch their innovative ideas, attract potential investors, and propel their ventures to new heights.

Strategic Networking:

Ifra Bilal believes that networking is the lifeblood of personal and professional growth. The meetups are designed to create a dynamic environment where meaningful connections are forged. Entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to network with like-minded individuals, potential collaborators, and industry peers. The event’s strategic networking sessions are envisioned as a catalyst for building alliances that extend beyond the confines of the event itself.

Mentorship for Success:

Recognizing the pivotal role of mentorship in an entrepreneur’s journey, the event places a premium on fostering mentor-mentee relationships. Ifra Bilal envisions the meetups as a space where seasoned mentors share their experiences, provide valuable guidance, and empower the next generation of innovators. The mentorship component adds a layer of depth to the event, ensuring that attendees not only network horizontally but also benefit from vertical knowledge transfer.

Influence of Go Daughters:

As the founder of Go Daughters, Ifra Bilal brings a unique perspective to the event. Go Daughters, under her leadership, champions diversity and inclusion in entrepreneurship. The platform is a testament to Ifra’s commitment to empowering women entrepreneurs, creating an environment where their voices are amplified, and their contributions are recognized and celebrated.


In summary, the 28COE Pre Launch-PAN INDIA Meetups-2024 is an immersive experience that goes beyond the traditional networking event. It is a manifestation of Ifra Bilal’s vision to create a transformative space where entrepreneurial spirits are ignited, connections are fostered, and opportunities abound. Entrepreneurs are invited to seize this chance to be part of a gathering that not only offers the prospect of venture capital, investor engagement, and strategic networking but also embodies the ethos of mentorship and diversity. As Ifra Bilal rightly asserts, networking is the backbone of personal and professional success, and this event is poised to be the cornerstone of that success for all who participate.

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